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DPP - 01NIOS : Daily Practice Problems - GEOGRAPHY(316) - 07/10/2021 : Mandakini Study Institute - Patna
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DPP - 01NIOS : Daily Practice Problems - GEOGRAPHY(316) - 07/10/2021

      DPP - 01NIOS : Daily Practice Problems - GEOGRAPHY(316) - 07/10/2021


Q1. What is meant by internal forces? List causes of the origin of these forces.
Q2. Give four examples to prove that the earth’s crust is unstable.
Q3. Draw diagrams to show
(i) Displacement of rock strata along a fault plane,
(ii) Anticline and synclines of rock strata.
Q4. Differentiate between vertical and horizontal movements.
Q5. Distinguish between folding and faulting.
Q6. What is a volcano? Describe different types of volcanoes with examples.
Q7. Distinguish between acid and basic lava and land forms developed by each of them.
Q8. What causes an earthquake?
Q9. List the effects of earthquakes on earth’s surface.
Q10. Define the following terms: (a) Fault plane (b) Central type eruption (c) Fissure type eruption (d) Dormant volcano.
Q11. Answer briefly the following questions :
(a) In what different ways does a river transport its load?
(b) List out factors which affect (1) energy of a stream and (2) carrying capacity of streams.
(c) In what different ways is the work of river erosion accomplished?
Q12. Distinguish between the following pairs:(a) estuary and deltas (b) flood plain and braided stream
Q13. The following landforms have been formed by rivers. Group them under erosional and depositional features. Gorge, V -shaped valley, meander, flood plain, alluvial fan, and canyon.
Q14. Explain the formation of the following with suitable diagrams: (a) Oxbow lake (b) Delta
Q15. Explain systematically the work of river as an agent of gradation at each of the three stages of its course.
Q16. Answer the following questions in brief:
(a) Explain the meaning of the term underground water.
(b) How do streams in limestone regions suddently disappear?
(c) Why is construction of rails and roads difficult in areas of sinkholes.
(d) Permanent watertable and temporary watertable.
(e) Sinkhole and swallow hole. (f) Stalactite and stalagmite.
(g) Permeable rocks and impermeable rocks. (h) Hot spring and geyser.
Q17. What is meant by ‘Karst’ topography? Name any five topographical features of karst topography and explaion any two of these with the help of diagrams.
