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HOME WORK - 07/10/2019 - PHYSICS - NIOS,CBSE,BBOSE,STATE BOARD - LECTURE TOPICS - 30L : Mandakini Study Institute - Patna
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1: Physical Worlds and Measurements
z Physics Scope and Excitement
z Nature of Physical Laws
z Physics, Technology and Society
z Need of Measurement
z Units of Measurement Fundamental and Derived Units
z Systems of Units, SI Units
z Measurement of Mass, Length and Time
z Multiples and Submultiples of Units
z Accuracy of Measuring Instrument
z Errors in Measurement
z Significant Figures
z Dimensions of Physical Quantities
z Dimensional Formula and Dimensional Equations
z Applications of Dimensions
z Vectors and Scalars
z Graphical Representation of Vectors
z Addition and Subtraction of Vectors
z Resolution of Vectors
z Unit Vector
z Scalar and Vector Products


2: Motion in a Straight line
z Position, Distance and Displacement:
z Position and Displacement Vectors
z Speed, Velocity and Acceleration
z Average and Instantaneous Velocity: Elementary
z Concepts of Differentiation and Integration
z Relative Motion
z Position – Time and Velocity – Time Graphs
z Uniform and Uniformly Accelerated Motion
z Equations of Motion with Constant Acceleration Including Motion under Gravity


3: Newton’s Laws of motion
z Concept of Force and Inertia
z First Law of Motion
z Concepts of Momentum
z Second Law of Motion
z Third Law of Motion
z Impulse
z Conservation of Linear Momentum and its Applications
z Equilibrium of Concurrent Forces
z Friction – Static and Kinetic, Factors Affecting Friction – Sliding and Rolling
z Free Body Diagram Technique
z Elementary Idea of Frame of Reference - Inertial and Non-Inertial


4: Motion in a Plane
z Projectile Motion (Time of Flight, Range and Maximum Height)
z Trajectory of a Projectile
z Uniform Circular Motion
z Centripetal Acceleration
z Circular Motion in Daily Life (Motion on Banked and Unbanked Roads)
z Motion in Vertical Circle


5: Gravitation
z Universal Law of Gravitation
z Acceleration Due to Gravity and its Variation with Height, Depth and Latitude (Only Formula), Value of g at Moon
z Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion
z Motion of Planets, Orbital and Escape Velocity
z Satellites – Geostationary and Polar
z Gravitational Potential and Potential Energy
z Achievements of India in the Field of Space Exploration
z Applications of satellite


6: Work, Energy and Power
z Work done by a Constant Force
z Work done by a Varying Force
z Work-Energy Theorem
z Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces
z Mechanical Energy (Kinetic and Potential Energies) with examples
z Conservation of Energy (Spring Pendulum etc.)
z Elastic and Inelastic Collisions (One and Two Dimension)
z Power and its Units


7: Motion of a System of Particles and Rigid Body
z Rigid Body Motion, Center of Mass, Couple and Torque
z Moment of Inertia, Radius of Gyration and its Significance
z Parallel and Perpendicular Axes Theorems and Their Uses in Simple Cases (no derivation)
z Equilibrium of a Rotating Body
z Equations of Motion for a Uniformly Rotating Rigid Body (no derivation)
z Angular Momentum and Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum with Simple Applications
z Simultaneous Rotational and Transnational Motions with Examples
z Rotational Energy


8: Elastic Properties of Solids
z Elastic Behaviour and Hooke’s Law, Stress – Strain Curve
z Intermolecular Forces
z Young’s Modulous, Bulk Modulous, Modulous of Rigidity and Compressibility
z Poisson’s Ratio
z Some Applications of Elastic Behavior of solid like Cantilever, Girder etc.
z Elastic Energy


9: Properties of Fluids
z Hydrostatic Pressure and Buoyancy
z Pascal’s Law and its Applications
z Forces of Cohesion and Adhesion
z Surface Tension and Surface Energy
z Angle of Contact and Capillary Action
z Application of Surface Tension, Drops, Bubbles and Detergents
z Types of Fluid Flow
z Reynold’s Number
z Viscosity and Stoke’s Law


10: Kinetic Theory of Gases
z Thermal Energy
z Heat, Temperature, Thermal Expansion of Solids, Liquids and Gases
z Caloriemetery, Anomalous Expansion and its Effects
z Kinetic Theory of Gases
z Deduction of the Relation
z Ideal Gas Laws and Gas Equation of State
z K.E. and Temperature Relationship
z Degree of freedom and Law of Equipartition of Energy
z Specific Heats of Gases & Relationship Between Cp & Cv
z Concept of Mean Free Path and Avogadro’s Number
z Terminal Velocity
z Bernoulli’s Theorem (no derivation) and its Applications


11: Thermodynamics
z Thermal Equilibrium - Zeroth Law of Thermo Dynamics and Concept of Temperature
z Thermodynamic Variables and Thermodynamic Equilibrium
z Thermodynamic Processes : Isothermal, Adiabatic, Reversible, Irreversible and Cyclic Process
z Heat, Work and Internal Energy: First Law of Thermodynamics
z Phase Change, Phase Diagram, Latent Heat and Triple Point
z Carnot’s Cycle and its Efficiency - Second Law of Thermodynamics
z Heat Engine and Refrigerator
z Limitations of Carnot’s engine


12: Heat Transfer and Solar Energy
z Modes of Transfer of Heat – Conduction, Convection and Radiation
z Black Body Radiation: Kirchhoff’s Law, Absorptive and Emissive Powers, Wein’s
Displacement Law, Stefan’s Law
z Solar Energy
z Solar Constant, Green House Effect
z Newton’s Law of Cooling


13: Simple Harmonic Motion
z Periodic Motion – Amplitude, Period, Frequency and Phase
z Reference Circle and Equation of SHM
z Displacement as a Function of Time - Periodic Function
z Examples of Spring Mass System and Simple Pendulum
z Energy in SHM – Kinetic and Potential
z Damped Oscillations (no derivation)
z Forced Oscillations and Resonance (no derivation)


14: Wave Phenomena
z Formation and Propagation of Waves 1. Sound and Waves
z Wavelength, Frequency, Speed and Their Relationship, Amplitude of Wave and Wave Equation
z Longitudinal and Transverse Waves
z Equation for a Simple Harmonic Wave
z Wave Motion in a Medium and Formula for its Speed
z Factors Affecting Velocity of Sound in a Gas
z Superposition of Waves – Interference of Waves
z Reflection and Transmission of Waves
z Standing Waves and Beats (only qualitative treatment with equation)
z Characteristics of Musical Sound (Overtones and Harmonics)
z Threshold of Hearing, Intensity of Sound and Noise Pollution
z Electromagnetic Waves and Their Properties
z EM – Waves Spectra
z Doppler Effect and its Application (qualitative only)
z Constancy of Speed of Light


15: Electric Charge and Electric Field
z Frictional Electricity – Electric Charges 1. Electromagnetism Part-1 and Their Conservation 1. Electromagnetism Part-2
z Coulomb’s Law 3. Electrostatics and its application
z Superposition Principle Part-1
z Electric Field and Field Intensity due to a Point Charge (through diagram)
z Force on a Charged Particle in an Electric Field
z Electric Field of a Dipole in Uniform Electric Field
z Electric Flux and Gauss Theorem in Electrostatics (no derivation)
z Application of Gauss’s Theorem to find Electric Field due to a Point Charge, Uniformely Charged Thin Spherical Cell (Field Inside and Outside), Long Wire and Infinite Plane Object
z Van de Graff Generator


16: Electric Potential and Capacitors
z Electric Potential due to a Point Charge
z Electric Potential at a Point due to a Dipole (axial and equatorial)
z Electric Potential Energy of a System of Point Charges
z Relation between Electric Field and Potential – Equipotent Surface
z Conductors and Electric Field inside a Conductor
z Electrostatic Shielding
z Capacitors and Capacitance of a Parallel Plate Capacitor
z Different type of Capacitors and their Applications
z Capacitors in Series and Parallel Combinations
z Energy stored in a Capacitor
z Dielectrics and their Polarization
z Effects of Dialectics on Capacitance


17: Electric Current
z Electric Current in a Conductor
z Concept of Drift Velocity of Electrons
z Ohm’s Law, Ohmic and Non – Ohmic Resistances
z Colour Coding of Resistors
z Free and Bound Electrons
z Combination of Resistances (Series and Parallel)
z Kirchhoff’s Laws and Their Application to Electrical Circuits
z Wheatstone Bridge Principle and its Application
z Electromotive Force and Potential Difference
z Elementary Idea of Primary and Secondary Cells
z Potentiometer and its Applications
z Heating Effect of Electric Current – Joule’s Law of Heating


18: Magnetism and Magnetic Effect of Electric Current
z Bar Magnet and its Magnetic Field
z Magnetic Effect of Electric Current
z Bio – Savart’s Law and its Application to Find Magnetic Field at the Center of a Coil Carrying Current (qualitative treatment)
z Ampere’s Circuital Law and its Application to Finding Magnetic Field of a Long Straight Wire, Circular Loop (at the Center), Straight and Toroidal Solenoids
z Concept of Displacement Current
z Force on a Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field; Lorentz Force
z Force on a Moving Charge in Uniform Magnetic and Electric Fields Cyclotron
z Force on a Current Carrying Wire in a Uniform Magnetic Field
z Current Loop as a Magnetic Dipole and its Magnetic Moments
z Magnetic Dipole Moment of Revolving Electron
z Magnetic field Intensity due to a Magnetic Dipole (Bar Magnet) and its Axis and Perpendicular to its Axis
z Torque on a Magnetic Dipole (Bar Magnet) in a Uniform Magnetic Field
z Current Loop as a Magnetic Dipole and its Magnetic Moments
z Moving Coil Galvanometer and its Conversion into Ammeter and Voltmeter
z Earth’ Magnetic Field
z Ferro Magnetic Materials – Domain Theory (qualitative only)
z Electromagnets and Factors Affecting their strength


19: Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current
z Faraday’s Law of Electro – Magnetic Induction
z Lenz’s Law, Eddy Currents
z Self and Mutual Induction – Choke Coil
z Alternating Current and Voltage Illustrating with Phase Diagram – Peak and rms Values
z Circuits Containing only R, L or C Separately – Phase Relationship between I & V
z LCR Series Combination (Using Phaser Diagram only) and Resonance
z Generators – AC and DC
z Transformers and Their Applications
z Transmission of Electric Power
z Problem of Low voltage and Load Shedding (Concepts of Stabilizer and Inverters)


20: Reflection and Refraction of Light
z Reflection of Light from Spherical Mirrors, 1. Wave Optics and its application Sign Convention and Mirror Formulae Part-1
z Refraction of Light, Snell’s Law of Refraction 1. Wave Optics and its application
z Total Internal Reflection (TIR) and its Part-1 Applications in Fibre Optics 3. Introduction to Ray Optics and
z Refraction Through Single Curved Surface its applications and Lenses
z Lens Maker’s Formula and Magnification
z Newton’s Relation
z Displacement Method to Find Position of Images (Conjugate Points)
z Power of a Lens
z Combination of Lenses, Combination of a Lens and a Mirror
z Defects of Vision and Their Correction (Myopia and Hypermetropia)


21: Dispersion and Scattering of light
z Dispersion of Light, Angle of Deviation
z Rainbow and its Formation
z Defects of Image Formation–Spherical and Chromatic Aberration (qualitative only)
z Scattering of Light in Atmosphere
z Elementary Idea of Raman Effect


22: Wave Phenomena and Light
z Huygen’s Wave Theory and Wave Propagation
z Interference–Young’s double Slit Experiment
z Diffraction of Light at a Single Slit (qualitative)
z Polarization-Brewster’s Law and its Application in Daily Life


23: Optical Instruments
z Simple and Compound Microscopes and their Magnifying Power
z Telescopes – Reflecting and Refracting
z Resolving Power and Rayleigh’s Criterion
z Applications in Astronomy


24: Structure of Atom
z Alpha-Particle Scattering and Rutherford’s Atomic Model
z Bohr’s Model of Hydrogen Atom and Energy Levels
z Hydrogen Spectrum
z Emission and Absorption Spectra
z Continuous and Characteristic X-Rays


25: Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
z Work Function and emission of Electrons
z Photoelectric Effect and its Explanation
z Photo Electric Tube and its Applications
z Matter Waves - Davisson and Germer Experiment
z Electron Microscope (non evaluative box)


26: Nuclei and Radioactivity
z Atomic Mass Unit, mass Number, Size of Nucleus
z Isotopes and Isobars
z Nuclear Forces, Mass - Energy Equivalence
z Mass Defect and Binding - Energy Curve
z Radioactivity - Alpha, Beta Decay and Gamma Emission
z Half Life and Decay Constant of Nuclei
z Applications of Radioactivity


27: Nuclear Fission and Fusion
z Nuclear Reactions
z Nuclear Fission and Chain Reaction
z Nuclear – Fusion - Energy in Stars
z Misuses of Nuclear Energy - Atom Bomb and Hydrogen Bomb (non evaluative in a box)
z Peaceful uses of Nuclear Energy (including latest trends)
z Hazards of Nuclear Radiation and Safety measures


28: Semiconductors
z Energy Bands in Solids
z Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors
z p-n Junction - its Formation and Properties
z Biasing of p-n Junction Diode
z Types of Diodes-Zanier Diode, LED, Photo Diode and Solar Cell
z I-V characteristics of Zanier Diode, LED, Photo Diode and Solar Cell
z Transistors - pnp and npn
z Characteristic Curves of a Transistor


29: Applications of Semiconductor Devices
z pn - junction Diode as a Rectifier
z Zener Diode as a Voltage Regulator
z Transistor as an Amplifier (Common Emitter)
z Transistor as an Oscillator
z Transistor as a Switching Device
z Logic gates and their Realization (OR, AND, NOT, NAND, NOR)


30: Communication System
z Model Communication System
z Elements of a Communication System
z Types of Signals- Analogue and Digital
z Electromagnetic Waves in Communication
z Guided Media (transmission lines and optical fibre)
z Unguided Media and Antennae – ground wave Communication, sky wave communication, space wave communication and satellite communication
z Modulation – Analogue AM and FM, digital (PCM)
z Demodulation
z Communication Applications

