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NIOS - Enviornmental Science (333) - Sr. Secondary Courses : Mandakini Study Institute - Patna
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NIOS - Enviornmental Science (333) - Sr. Secondary Courses

NIOS - Enviornmental Science (333) - Sr. Secondary Courses

1.Origin of Earth and Evolution of the Environment
2.Environment and Human Society
3.Degradation of Natural Environment
4.Principles of Ecology
6.Natural Ecosystem
7.Human Modified Ecosystems
8.Human societies
10.Environmental Pollution
11.Environment and Health
12.Disasters and their Management
13.National Environmental Issues
14.Global Environmental Issues
15.Biodiversity Conversation
16.Conservation of other Natural Resources
17.Conservation of Soil and Land
18.Water and Energy Conservation
19.Sustainable Development
20.Origin and concept of Sustainable Development
21.Modern Agriculture
22.Concept of Sustainable Agriculture
23.Clearner Technology
24.Environmental Legislation
25.Environmental Impact assesment
26.Environmental Related Institutions and Organisations
27.Environmental Ethics and Gandhian Approach
28.Global Circulation of Water
29.Ground water Resources
30.Fresh water Resources
31.Methods of water Harvesting
32.Water Conservation at Different Levels
33.Importance of Energy in society
34.Non-Renewable Sources of energy
35.Renewable Sources of energy - I 
36.Renewable Sources of energy - II
37.Energy Conservation
