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MSI Patna Activity : Mandakini Study Institute - Patna
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MSI Patna Activity

      ANSHU KUMAR joined the site
      • MSIPATNA
        MSIPATNA created a page Students Attendance : JULY/2022
        Students Attendance : JULY/2022 LAST UPDATED : 31/07/2022 | 06:30PM  P - Present  |   H - Holiday   |   AB - Absent |   ND - No...
        • MSIPATNA
          MSIPATNA created a page Students Attendance : JUNE/2022
          Students Attendance : JUNE/2022 LAST UPDATED : 30/06/2022 | 06:30AM  P - Present  |   H - Holiday   |   AB - Absent |   ND - No...
          • PRIYESHI
            PRIYESHI joined the site
            • MSIPATNA
              MSIPATNA created a page PHYSICS - MOCK - 02
              PHYSICS - MOCK - 02 Q1. Calculate the wavelength of a sound wave whose frequency is 220 Hz and speed is 440 m/s in a given medium. Q2. A person is listening to a tone of 500 Hz sitting at a distance of 450 m from the source of the sound. What...
              • MSIPATNA
                MSIPATNA created a page MATHEMATICS - MOCK - 01
                MATHEMATICS - MOCK - 01 Question 1: Let A and B be two finite sets having m and n elements respectively. Then the total number of mapping from A to B is (a) mn                      (b)...
                • MSIPATNA
                  MSIPATNA created a page PHYSICS - MOCK - 01
                  PHYSICS - MOCK - 01 Q1: A student measured the length of a rod and wrote it as 3.50 cm. Which instrument did he use to measure it? (a) A screw gauge having 100 divisions in the circular scale and pitch as 1 mm (b) A screw gauge having 50...
                  • MSIPATNA
                    MSIPATNA created a page CHEMISTRY - MOCK - 01
                    CHEMISTRY - MOCK - 01 1. Number of atoms in the following samples of substances is the largest in : (1) 127.0g of iodine (2) 48.0g of magnesium (3) 71.0g of chlorine (4) 4.0g of hydrogen 2. The ratio of mass percent of C and H of...
                    • ARSALAN GAFFAR KHAN
                      ARSALAN GAFFAR KHAN joined the site
                      • MSIPATNA
                        Common Names of Chemical Compounds Common Name Chemical Compounds/Elements Chemical Formula Uses Baking Soda Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate or Sodium...
                        • MSIPATNA
                          MSIPATNA created a page Students Attendance : MAY/2022
                          Students Attendance : MAY/2022 LAST UPDATED : 30/05/2022 | 06:30AM  P - Present  |   H - Holiday   |   AB - Absent |   ND - No...
                          • RAUSHAN KUMAR
                            RAUSHAN KUMAR joined the site
                            • YASH KUMAR PANDEY
                              YASH KUMAR PANDEY joined the site
                              • VANDITA KUMARI
                                VANDITA KUMARI has a new avatar
                                VANDITA KUMARI
                                • AMIT RAJ
                                  AMIT RAJ has a new avatar
                                  AMIT RAJ
                                  • MSIPATNA
                                    MSIPATNA created a page Students Attendance : APRIL/2022
                                    Students Attendance : APRIL/2022 LAST UPDATED : 30/04/2022 | 06:30AM  P - Present  |   H - Holiday   |   AB - Absent |   ND - No...
                                    • AMIT RAJ
                                      AMIT RAJ joined the site
                                      • MISTY RAJ
                                        MISTY RAJ joined the site
                                        • Dhiraj Kumar
                                          Dhiraj Kumar joined the site
                                          • MSIPATNA
                                            MSIPATNA created a page Students Attendance : MARCH/2022
                                            Students Attendance : MARCH/2022 LAST UPDATED : 31/03/2022 | 06:30AM  P - Present  |   H - Holiday   |   AB - Absent |   ND - No...