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Results for "The Solid State"







      Permeability Permeability is the measure of a material'...millidarcy (mD), or using the SI unit m...ermeability increases with the size, con...s enhance permeability in otherw...s Law Permeability is mathema...
      • MSIPATNA


        Porosity is the measure of the void spaces ( a percentage of the total vol...ial and determines the capacity...lly higher in unconsolidated mat...Develops after the rock is for...ite.;20% (e.g., unconsolid...
        • MSIPATNA

          JEE Main Friction Previous Year Questions with Solutions

          JEE Main Friction Previous...f a bicycle, the force of...n exerted by the ground on...wheel and in the forward d...ion on both, the front and...wall is 0.2. The weight Q6: Statement go up on the s...ituation. Statement-2: an angle θ from the...
          • MSIPATNA

            Laws in India for Sexual Harassment at Workplace

            Laws in India for Sexual harassment at the workplace..., and redressal. The key legis...n referred to as the POSH Act....nography Any other unwelcom...the incident. The ICC Vishaka v. State...s. Highlighted the responsibil...
            • MSIPATNA

              Report on Discrimination Against Females

              Report on Discrimination Against Females Introdu...ay gap, where women are paid less for the same work...ual violence, both within and outside the h...ates among women, especially single mothers...
              • MSIPATNA

                Report on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

                Report on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Introduct...Sexual harassment in the workplace...issue that undermines the safety, d...tivity, and respect in the workplace...ouching, grabbing, or other...rassment. Damage to the c...
                • MSIPATNA

                  Report on Discrimination Against Females

                  Report on Discrimination Against Females Introdu...ay gap, where women are paid less for the same work...ual violence, both within and outside the h...ates among women, especially single mothers...
                  • MSIPATNA

                    Remedial Measures For Pollution

                    Remedial measures for pollution are essential to protect the environme...ansportation: Encourage the use of bu...e number of vehicles on the road. E...e and educate locals on the i...s: Educate people about the h...
                    • MSIPATNA

                      Types of Groundwater

                      Groundwater can be categorized bas...and movement within the Earth&#39...subsurface. Here are the main type...s of rock or clay. These layers...s, which are open to the surface a...n arid regions where as hot springs or therm...
                      • MSIPATNA

                        Origin Theories of Water

                        The origins of water on Earth and the different...ough both scientific theories and...Primordial Water Hypothesis:...itated by cooling of the Earth&#39...Solar Nebula Theor...t’s exposed to the s...

