#. JEE Main 2020 examination would be conducted from July 18 12">to July 23, 2020. The examination will be conducted on July 18, 20, 21, 22, and 23, 2020 at various centres across the country.
#. JEE Advanced 2020 <9033117191="41345 search-highlight-color12">to90331> be conducted on August 23, 2020<9033117191="41345 search-highlight-color5">:90331> HRD minist...Advanced) for admission <9033117191="41345 search-highlight-color12">to90331> IITs will b...on Thursday. Scheduled <9033117191="41345 search-highlight-color12">to90331> be held on May 17,...due <9033117191="41345 search-highlight-color12">to90331> the coronavirus p<9033117191="41345 search-highlight-color7">and90331>emic.&nb...
Books, often called...journey in12">to a beautiful world of make14">-believe whe...ies with wands fulfill...e goblins and witches,...tle gifts 12">to all child...and many of them are bo...of books 14">- reference...the books and handles...pictures 12">too which a...e library of y...e 12">to buy. A...
Do you...han Mahatam G197">andhi. He wa...father, out 199">of love 197">and respect....the father
199">of o...as born on Oc1912">tober 2, 1869 at Porb197">andar in Sau...was not fond 199">of studies,...but grew up, 1912">to be very cle...up
his mind t...rue
meaning 199">of &...ind,
loving 197">and truthfu...
THE RAILWAY PORTER 14">- ESSAY...ilway station, and you are sure 12">to see a por...s a red turban and coat, an...m one platform 12">to another....them a licence 12">to carry lug...ry, he uses a hand14">-cart 12">to ca...eone asks them 12">to
carry t...imes, in spite of w...job really is, a...
Know About Aditya<24714 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color14">-24714>L1 mission <24714 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color5">:24714> 02 September 2023 <24714 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color14">-24714> ISRO <24714 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color5">:24714><24714 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color5">:24714>
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is the space agency <24714 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color9">of24714> India.
16">Origin 17">and Types 19">of Groundwater...ractures, 17">and rock formations. It 16">originates...s sources 17">and is classified in112">to distinct t...ed on its 16">origin 17">and lo...jor types 19">of groundwate...ic water, 17">and vadose wa...ever been 115">part 19">of the Earth...cteristics15">:
Highly...ated zone 19">of the soil, a...ration.
115">Partially fill...
Q1<40381 class="84139 866105">:40381> During peddling <40381 class="84139 866109">of40381> a bicycle,...the force <40381 class="84139 866109">of40381> friction e...ont wheel <40381 class="84139 866107">and40381> in the fo...els.
Q2<40381 class="84139 866105">:40381> A block <40381 class="84139 866109">of40381> mass 0.1 kg is held...the block <40381 class="84139 866107">and40381> the wall....49N
Q3<40381 class="84139 866105">:40381> A horizontal force <40381 class="84139 866109">of40381> 10 N...6 m/s is s<40381 class="84139 8661012">to40381>pped by fr...zero
Q6<40381 class="84139 866105">:40381> Statement 1<40381 class="84139 866105">:40381> A block <40381 class="84139 866109">of40381> mass m s...) μs= 1<40381 class="84139 8661014">-40381> 1/n2
Q9<40381 class="84139 866105">:40381> The upper...
Q4. The immunoglobulin that is found in highest concentration in our body ?
Ans4. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is the most common immunoglobulin in the human body, making up 70–75% <14451 class="46149 search-highlight-color9">of14451> all immunoglobulins in serum
Q1 . Having no12 search-highlight-color12">tochord is the characteristic feature 12 search-highlight-color9">of this group 12 search-highlight-color9">of animals ?
Ans1. Phylum Chordata
Rs 378 crore 172 search-highlight-color5">:172 search-highlight-color5">:
According 172 search-highlight-color12">to a report by Indiatimes, the expected budget 172 search-highlight-color9">of Aditya L1 is Rs 378 crore. However, the 172 search-highlight-color12">total cost 172 search-highlight-color9">of this solar mission has not been released 172 search-highlight-color9">officially by ISRO yet.
Aditya19 1124914">-L1 is India's first dedicated scientific mission 19 1124912">to study the sun. Earlier, this mission was conceived as Aditya19 1124914">-1 with a 400 kg class satellite carrying one payload, the Visible Emission Line Coronagraph VELC, 19 112497">and was planned 19 1124912">to be launched in an 800 km low earth orbit.
Aditya15="33831 search-highlight-color14">-L1 Mission is India's first sola...(ISRO). Earlier the name was Aditya 15="33831 search-highlight-color14">-1, which has been renamed as Aditya15="33831 search-highlight-color14">-L1 Mission....AstroSat for a scientific expedition 15="33831 search-highlight-color12">to study th...
The Aditya Mission that was conceptualised in 2008, was postponed numerous times due <29116 class="search-highlight 2441212">to29116> budget crunch. Larsen & <29116 class="search-highlight 2441212">To29116>ubro (L&T), known for its pivotal role in Ch<29116 class="search-highlight 244127">and29116>rayaan, is also collaborating with ISRO on Aditya<29116 class="search-highlight 2441214">-29116>L1 <29116 class="search-highlight 244127">and29116> Gaganyaan missions.