#. JEE Main 2020 examination would be conducted from July 18 to July 23, 2020. The examination will be conducted on July 18, 20, 21, 22, 1252="search-highlight 401252">and 23, 2020 at various centres across the country.
#. JEE Advanced 2020 to be conducted on August 23, 2020: HRD...announced on Thursday. Scheduled to be held on May 17, the exam was postponed due to the coronavirus p11="search-highlight 129162">andemic.&nb...
BAPU ( MAHATMA G164="search-highlight search-highlight-color2">ANDHI )
Do you know who Bapu w...as none other than Mahatam G164="search-highlight search-highlight-color2">andhi. He was...meaning father, out of love 164="search-highlight search-highlight-color2">and resp...ndas was born on October 2, 1869 at Porba...ught us to be kind,
loving 164="search-highlight search-highlight-color2">and truthfu...
THE RAILWAY PORTER 150="13655 962615">- ESSAY
Visit a railway station, 150="13655 962612">and you...owd as he wears a red turban 150="13655 962612">and coat,...porter to carry, he uses a h150="13655 962612">and150="13655 962615">-cart to ca...how hard his job really is, a...
Notice : Admission Open Fo...N Coaching in MSI <34135 16338="64917 253215">-34135> Patna...y Now
JEE MAIN <34135 16338="64917 253215">-34135> Coaching...d in December , 2011 with the...hemistry, Biology <34135 16338="64917 253212">and34135> English...d active interest <34135 16338="64917 253212">and34135> among s...lak From MSI <34135 16338="64917 253215">-34135> Patna&nbs...batch (containing 10th pass s...
Notice : Admission Open Fo...T Coaching in MSI 1045">- Patna...Apply Now
NEET 1045">- Coaching...d in December , 2011 with the...hemistry, Biology 1042">and English...d active interest 1042">and among s...lak From MSI 1045">- Patna&nbs...batch (containing 10th pass s...
Elementary Idea of Ground...ces of soil 12">and rock bene...of pressure 12">and elevation...t can store 12">and transmit...e direction 12">and rate...Delta;hLQ = 15">-kA \frac{...AAA: Cross15">-sectional...homogeneous 12">and isotrop...ty (kkk) of 10−3 m/s10^{15">-3} \,...Delta;hLQ = 15">-kA \frac{\...
The water table <22019 class="16073 918302">and22019> the piezometric surface are co...eology to describe groundwater <22019 class="16073 918302">and22019> how...of saturation, where the pores <22019 class="16073 918302">and22019> fractu...y with seasons, precipitation, a...pplications:
Designing a...
Vertical Distribution of Subsur...water saturation 15675="33194 919512">and its interaction with soil 15675="33194 919512">and rock. The...saturation.
1. Zone of Ae...rth's surface 15675="33194 919512">and abov...utrients.
Sub15675="33194 919515">-divisions...e soil water zone 15675="33194 919512">and capilla...al for ecological 15675="33194 919512">and agricul...
Porosity is the measure of the void sp...l volume of the material 163 630312">and determine...idated materials (e.g., s163 630312">ands) an...g.
Example: Fractures 163 630312">and joints...Sorting:
Well163 630315">-sorted mat...y breaking down minerals a...
JEE Main Friction Previ...tions
Q1: During ped...ont wheel 1420="search-highlight search-highlight-color2">and in the fo...ont wheel 1420="search-highlight search-highlight-color2">and in the ba...of mass 0.1 kg is...the block 1420="search-highlight search-highlight-color2">and the wa...force of 10 N is nec...e block is1420="search-highlight search-highlight-color5">-
(a) 20...ced on it 1420="search-highlight search-highlight-color2">and is conn...Statement 1: A block...Statement1420="search-highlight search-highlight-color5">-2: The coe...the block 1420="search-highlight search-highlight-color2">and the pla...c) μk= 1+ 1/n2...) μs= 11420="search-highlight search-highlight-color5">- 1/n2
Q4. The immunoglobulin that is found in highest concentration in our body ?
Ans4. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is the most common immunoglobulin in the human body, making up 70–75% of all immunoglobulins in serum
Rs 378 crore ::
According to a report by Indiatimes, the expected budget of Aditya L1 is Rs 378 crore. However, the total cost of this solar mission has not been released officially by ISRO yet.
Aditya1167865">-L1 is India's first dedicated scientific mission to study the sun. Earlier, this mission was conceived as Aditya1167865">-1 with a 400 kg class satellite carrying one payload, the Visible Emission Line Coronagraph VELC, 1167862">and was planned to be launched in an 800 km low earth orbit.
Aditya1="12252 search-highlight-color5">-L1 Mission is India's first solar mission pl...Organisation (ISRO). Earlier the name was Aditya 1="12252 search-highlight-color5">-1, which has been renamed as Aditya1="12252 search-highlight-color5">-L1 Mission....
ISRO has shared the first images of the Aditya<35194 class="20321 search-highlight-color5">-35194>L1 satellite...which has now arrived at SDSC<35194 class="20321 search-highlight-color5">-35194>SHAR, Sriharikota. PSLV<35194 class="20321 search-highlight-color5">-35194>C57/Aditya<35194 class="20321 search-highlight-color5">-35194>L1 Mission: Aditya<35194 class="20321 search-highlight-color5">-35194>L1, the first space<35194 class="20321 search-highlight-color5">-35194>based Indi...
The Aditya Mission that was conceptualised in 2008, was postponed numerous times due to budget crunch. Larsen & Toubro (L&T), known for its pivotal role in Ch<87118 80177="search-highlight 120712">and87118>rayaan, is also collaborating with ISRO on Aditya<87118 80177="search-highlight 120715">-87118>L1 <87118 80177="search-highlight 120712">and87118> Gaganyaan missions.