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Results for "JEE Main 2020 examination would be conducted from July 18 to July 23"







      Permeability Permeabilit...'s ability to transm...r permeability to be, pores must be...rmeability due to poorly co...Cementation between grai...ct as barriers to flow, red...atically described by Darcy...It is distinct from porosit...ependent on facto...
      • MSIPATNA


        Porosity is the measure of...d as a percentage of the total volume...capacity of the material to store flu...tion. Example: Spaces between grai...r the rock is formed due to processes...ially in basalt and limesto...
        • MSIPATNA

          JEE Main Friction Previous Year Questions with Solutions

          JEE Main Friction Previo...of friction between the...s necessary to just h...of friction between the bl...f 6 m/s is stopped by friction betw...time taken to slide is...dy starting from rest at...h a car can be stopped i...prevent it from sliding...d be put on top of m2&nb...3 kg (d) 18...
          • MSIPATNA

            Laws in India for Sexual Harassment at Workplace

            Laws in India for framework to a..., often referred the POSH Act. Below are th...e: The act aims to provide p...and informal sectors like do...Complaints can be filed wit...Imprisonment up to 3 years o...elines (1997) Be...
            • MSIPATNA

              Report on Discrimination Against Females

              Report on Discrimination Aga...Limited access Early withdrawal <71807 class="18630 search-highlight-color7">from1807> schools due to systems that fail to protect w...Strengthening laws to ensure eq...ires collective efforts fr...
              • MSIPATNA

                Report on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

                Report on Sexual Harassm...y, and well-being of emp...en can also be affected....ancement or benefits..., including touching, grab...Cyber, leading to f...nacceptable programs to educate e...untable for maintaining...nvironments from thrivin...tive effort fr...
                • MSIPATNA

                  Report on Discrimination Against Females

                  Report on Discrimination Aga...Limited access 2386210"> Early withdrawal 238627">from schools due 2386210">to systems that fail 2386210">to protect w...Strengthening laws 2386210">to ensure eq...ires collective efforts fr...
                  • MSIPATNA

                    Remedial Measures For Pollution

                    Remedial measures for...e essential to protect the...Switch to Clean Energ...ctric power to r...duce the to install p...s like scrubbers and fil...ater bodies to prevent r...ated sewage from enterin...ontaminants from the soi...ology in factories to re.... Conduct Be...
                    • MSIPATNA

                      Types of Groundwater

                      Groundwater can be categoriz...arious factors like it...e are the main types o...e trapped between i...ent water from moving fr...ll taps into a confined...the water to rise above...pollution from...above the ma...table due to an terms because it d...riginates from deep wi...has never been part of...colates into the groun...
                      • MSIPATNA

                        Origin Theories of Water

                        The origins of water o...water can 18 search-highlight-color5">be understood through...water has 18 search-highlight-color5">been pres...early history, water vapor 18 search-highlight-color7">from volcanic...cientists 18 search-highlight-color5">believe that w...ater came to Earth fr...may have 18 search-highlight-color5">been incorporated into Earth&rsq...#39;s the 18 search-highlight-color2">main source...ct access to freshwate...des water 18 search-highlight-color7">from rivers,...treatment 18 search-highlight-color5">be...

