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Results for "JEE MAIN - Coaching In Patna"







      Permeability Permeabilit...ids through its can move within a rock,...res must be well-connect...Permeability is influenced b...meability than fine-grained otherwise low-permeabilit...rmeability (10−310^{-3...;) AAA = Cross-sect...
      • MSIPATNA


        Porosity is the measure of th...d spaces (pores) within a rock or...e material and determines the cap...orosity: Original porosit...rocesses like fracturing, dissolu...Sorting: Well-sorted mate...han rhombohedral packing....
        • MSIPATNA

          JEE Main Friction Previous Year Questions with Solutions

          JEE Main Friction Previo...ns Q1: During pedd...acts (a) in the b...wheel (b) in the forwa...g is held against a wall...the block is- (a) friction in 10s. Then...Statement-2: The coef...s on a rough inclined pla...(d) μs= 1- 1/n2 Q9...nected by an inext...
          • MSIPATNA

            Laws in India for Sexual Harassment at Workplace

            Laws in India for Sexua...t Workplace India, emphasizing against sexual...l favors Making sexually...verbal, or non-verbal cond...mendations may include disc...Penalty for Non-Compliance...heir rights. Ineffective or non-func...
            • MSIPATNA

              Report on Discrimination Against Females

              Report on Discrimination Against Females I...uction Discrimination agai...omen and girls in various a..., and systemic inequalities...pressures or financial con...ence, both within and outsi...itical decision-making role...idence and self-worth due t...Female Discriminati...
              • MSIPATNA

                Report on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

                Report on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Introduction...harassment in the work...y, and well-being of emplo...verbal, non-verbal, and...hostile or intimidating...s, such as inappropriat...educed self-esteem and...rates, leading to finan...Clear anti-harassment...ntable for maintaining...ghts that hinder...
                • MSIPATNA

                  Report on Discrimination Against Females

                  Report on Discrimination Against Females I...uction Discrimination agai...omen and girls in various a..., and systemic inequalities...pressures or financial con...ence, both within and outsi...itical decision-making role...idence and self-worth due t...Female Discriminati...
                  • MSIPATNA

                    Remedial Measures For Pollution

                    Remedial measures for like solar, wind, and of buses, trains, and...tion, like avoiding and using eco-friendly pr...Use organic farming practice...industrial and e-waste prope...Ban Single-Use Plastic...mitment to sustainabl...
                    • MSIPATNA

                      Types of Groundwater

                      Groundwater can be categor...ovement within the Earth&#...ere are the main types of...ter from moving free...have a confining layer...s above the main water t...was trapped in aquifers...water is non-renewable i...king it the main source...due to over-extraction..., typically in ar...
                      • MSIPATNA

                        Origin Theories of Water

                        The origins of water on Ear...cations: Origin Theor...esent on Earth since its f...ilitated by cooling of the E...s may have been incorporated...rogen and oxygen-bearing min...ut it's the main source...g due to its, or other non-pota...

