#. JEE Main 2020 examination would be conducted from July 18 to July 23, 2020. 1731="search-highlight 6910014">The examination will be conducted on July 18, 20, 21, 22, 1731="search-highlight 6910012">and 23, 2020 at various centres across 1731="search-highlight 6910014">the country.
#. JEE Advanced 2020 to be conducted on August 23, 2020: HRD ministry
180514">The Joint Ent...ursday. Scheduled to be held on May 17, 180514">the exam wa...s postponed due to 180514">the coronavirus p180512">andemic.&nb...
Books, 10">often called...ful world 10">of make-believe whe...ies with w12">ands...e goblins 12">and witches,...stles, do 14">the most amaz...12">and many 10">of 14">them are borr...10">of books - referen...14">the books 12">and h12">andles t...easing to 14">the eyes 12">and...e library 10">of your own at 1">home
. Dur...e to buy. A...
Q1: During peddling <66031 50160="11159 1737810">of66031> a bicycle, <66031 50160="11159 1737814">the66031> force <66031 50160="11159 1737810">of66031> friction...ont wheel <66031 50160="11159 1737812">and66031> in <66031 50160="11159 1737814">the66031> ba...on both, <66031 50160="11159 1737814">the66031> front <66031 50160="11159 1737812">and66031>...: A block <66031 50160="11159 1737810">of66031> mass 0.1 kg is held...<66031 50160="11159 1737814">the66031> block <66031 50160="11159 1737812">and66031> <66031 50160="11159 1737814">the66031> wall...tal force <66031 50160="11159 1737810">of66031> 10 N is neces...l is 0.2. <66031 50160="11159 1737814">The66031> weight <66031 50160="11159 1737810">of66031>...e block is<66031 50160="11159 173783">-66031>
(a) 20 N...ced on it <66031 50160="11159 1737812">and66031> is connec...Statement 1: A block <66031 50160="11159 1737810">of66031> mass m sta...
Q4. 12728 5401214">The immunoglobulin that is found in highest concentration in our body ?
Ans4. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is 12728 5401214">the most common immunoglobulin in 12728 5401214">the human body, making up 70–75% 12728 5401210">of all immunoglobulins in serum
Q2. In mammals 1148="search-highlight 3120714">the fluid present around 1148="search-highlight 3120714">the foetus is called ?
Ans2. 1148="search-highlight 3120714">The fluid that surrounds a fetus in mammals is called amniotic fluid
Rs 378 crore ::
According to a report by Indiatimes, <11773 31466="search-highlight search-highlight-color14">the11773> expected budget <11773 31466="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of11773> Aditya L1 is Rs 378 crore. However, <11773 31466="search-highlight search-highlight-color14">the11773> total cost <11773 31466="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of11773> this solar mission has not been released <11773 31466="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of11773>ficially by ISRO yet.
Aditya11 search-highlight-color3">-L1 is India's first dedicated scientific mission to study 11 search-highlight-color14">the sun. Earlier, this mission was conceived as Aditya11 search-highlight-color3">-1 with a 400 kg class satellite carrying one payload, 11 search-highlight-color14">the Visible Emission Line Coronagraph VELC, 11 search-highlight-color12">and was planned to be launched in an 800 km low 11 search-highlight-color11">earth orbit.
Aditya134 search-highlight-color3">-L1 Mission is India'...t solar mission planned by 134 search-highlight-color14">the Indian Sp...ganisation (ISRO). Earlier 134 search-highlight-color14">the name was Aditya 134 search-highlight-color3">-1, which has been renamed as Aditya134 search-highlight-color3">-L1 Mission....ntific expedition to study 134 search-highlight-color14">the Sun....
1939="search-highlight search-highlight-color14">The Aditya Mission that was conceptualised in 2008, was postponed numerous times due to budget crunch. Larsen & Toubro (L&T), known for its pivotal role in Ch1939="search-highlight search-highlight-color12">andrayaan, is also collaborating with ISRO on Aditya1939="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-L11939="search-highlight search-highlight-color12">and Gaganyaan missions.