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Results for "HOME WORK - 20/10/2019 - PHYSICS - MOTION AND ITS DESCRIPTION - HW-05-01"







      Permeability Permeab...uids through its int...nt, or soil, and is...easured in units like darc...must be viscosity and density....ity than fine-grained mate...Fractures and Cracks:...otherwise low-permeability...m/s). Silt and Clay: V...AAA = Cross-section...
      • MSIPATNA


        Porosity is the measure of the void s...volume of the material and determine...dated materials (e.g., sands) and ves.... Example: Fractures and...Sorting: Well-sorted mat...breaking down minerals and crea...
        • MSIPATNA

          JEE Main Friction Previous Year Questions with Solutions

          JEE Main Friction Pre...ront wheel and in...ront wheel and in the backw...the block and the wall...he block is- (a) 20 N...aced on it and is connec...Statement-2: The coeff...the block and the plane...d) μs= 1- 1/n2 Q9:...minus;kv2. Its initial s...fter 10 s, its energy...o stop the motion i...
          • MSIPATNA

            Laws in India for Sexual Harassment at Workplace

            Laws in India for Sexual...ssment at Workplace...egal framework to add...hibition, and redress...Women at Workplace...ohibition and Red...Women at Workpl...ohibition and, or non-verbal condu...overs all workplaces, i...izations, and informal...ty for their workplace r...ive or non-functio...
            • MSIPATNA

              Report on Discrimination Against Females

              Report on Discriminat...cts women and girls i...althcare, and person...Workplace Inequa...the same work as men....hip roles and professio...hysical, emotional, and...tside the home. Prac...l decision-making roles...Cultural and Social Di...Reduced workforce par...e and self-worth due...for women and ensu...
              • MSIPATNA

                Report on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

                Report on Sexual Harassm...nt in the Workplace I...nt in the workplace is a...dignity, and well-being of e...erbal, non-verbal, and of promotions or threa...Hostile Work Environm...nt in the Workplace...pression, and trauma fo...duced self-esteem and c...cing lawsuits or penalt...der trust and employee...
                • MSIPATNA

                  Report on Discrimination Against Females

                  Report on Discriminat...cts women and girls i...althcare, and person...Workplace Inequa...the same work as men....hip roles and professio...hysical, emotional, and...tside the home. Prac...l decision-making roles...Cultural and Social Di...Reduced workforce par...e and self-worth due...for women and ensu...
                  • MSIPATNA

                    Remedial Measures For Pollution

                    Remedial measures for...environment and pub...olar, wind, and, trains, and carpoolin...of vehicles and using eco-friendly pro...op Rotation and Compostin...strial and e-waste Noise Limits: Impose r...quipment to workers. Ra...Ban Single-Use Plasti...ticipation, and a co...
                    • MSIPATNA

                      Types of Groundwater

                      Groundwater can be ca...s factors like its source, q...uality, depth, and the surface and do not ha...which can rise and fall base...ivities due to its water is non-renewable in...’s crust and reaches...ten due to over-extract...
                      • MSIPATNA

                        Origin Theories of Water

                        The origins of on Earth and the diffe...ic theories and classific...Earth since its formation...g condensed and formed oc...icy comets and asteroids...ithin Earth itself by che...en hydrogen and oxygen-bearing mine...king due to its salinity....f saltwater and freshwa...or other non-potable...

