#. JEE Main 2020 examination would be conducted from July 18 to July 23, 2020. 32840="36874 search-highlight-color8">The examination will be conducted on July 18, 20, 21, 22, and 23, 2020 at various centres across 32840="36874 search-highlight-color8">the country.
#. JEE Advanced 2020 to be conducted on August 23, 2020: HRD ministry
31108="search-highlight search-highlight-color8">The Joint En...will be conducted on August 23, HRD mini...eduled to be held on May 17, 31108="search-highlight search-highlight-color8">the exam wa...
OUR DEAREST FRIENDS BOOKS 3053="88703 search-highlight-color3">- ESSAY...ul world of make3053="88703 search-highlight-color3">-be...in castles, do 3053="88703 search-highlight-color8">the most amaz...ops and many of 3053="88703 search-highlight-color8">them are borr...sorts of books 3053="88703 search-highlight-color3">- reference b...are pleasing to 3053="88703 search-highlight-color8">the eyes...of your own at 3053="88703 search-highlight-color1">home
. Duri...could join a 39;lending library39; in your...
Do you...was ? He was none o<36729 75233="39773 search-highlight-color8">the36729>r than Mah...me Bapu, meaning fa<36729 75233="39773 search-highlight-color8">the36729>r, out of...to find how badly <36729 75233="39773 search-highlight-color8">the36729> white people treated <36729 75233="39773 search-highlight-color8">the36729> 39;blacks39;. He made...back to India. He <36729 75233="39773 search-highlight-color2">work36729>ed towa...free. He taught us <36729 75233="39773 search-highlight-color8">the36729> true
38097 541638">THE RAILWAY PORTER 38097 541633">- ESSAY...e to see a porter 38097 541638">there. You ca...ne platform to ano38097 541638">ther.
He is...a brass badge on 38097 541638">their arms. T...ry, he uses a hand38097 541633">-cart to carr...em.
38097 541638">The porter 38097 541632">works ve...railway station, 38097 541638">they feel lu...imes, in spite of w...
Know About Aditya<83807 98369="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-83807>L1 mission : 02 September 2023 <83807 98369="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-83807> ISRO ::
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is <83807 98369="search-highlight search-highlight-color8">the83807> space agency of India.
Geological Consi...erations in the...Tunnels
The success a...heavily on the geologica...Stability: The rocks sho...Dip Angles: The orientati...d. Reservoir3">-Induced Seis...ons with pre3">-existing fau...cted within the Earth39;s cru...In high3">-stress envi...addressing these geolo...
Vertical Distribution of Sub...ibuted beneath <73603 class="64783 search-highlight-color8">the73603> Earth39;s surface...zones based on <73603 class="64783 search-highlight-color8">the73603> degree of...f aeration and <73603 class="64783 search-highlight-color8">the73603> zone of s...ath <73603 class="64783 search-highlight-color8">the73603> Earth39;s sur...th water, with <73603 class="64783 search-highlight-color8">the73603> remainin...ients.
Sub<73603 class="64783 search-highlight-color3">-73603>divisions:...Lies below <73603 class="64783 search-highlight-color8">the73603> zone of...oles in Earth39;s water...
Origin and Type...ndwater is 3952 665638">the...nt beneath 3952 665638">the Earth39;s surface...ocation in 3952 665638">the subsurfac...ectly from 3952 665638">the Earth39;s interior...ies or deep3952 665633">-seated geolo...gma or deep3952 665633">-seated...trapped in 3952 665638">the pores of...nt.
3. Meteoric...s found in 3952 665638">the unsatur...re, mineral3952 665633">-rich, not...3952 665638">the Earth39;s hydrol...
Porosity is 38548">the measure of 38548">the void spaces (po...a percentage of 38548">the total vol...and determines 38548">the capacity...uring 38548">the rock39;s formatio...Develops after 38548">the rock...ng:
Well38543">-sorted mate....
Wea38548">thering:...rns a material39;s abilit...
Laws in India for Sexual...ssment at 31476 search-highlight-color2">Workplace...egal frame31476 search-highlight-color2">work to add...ssment at 31476 search-highlight-color8">the 31476 search-highlight-color2">workpla...Women at 31476 search-highlight-color2">Workplace (Pr...) Act, 2013 (POSH Act)...y
Any o31476 search-highlight-color8">ther unwelcom...al, or non31476 search-highlight-color3">-verbal condu...overs all 31476 search-highlight-color2">workplaces, i...ident.
31476 search-highlight-color8">The ICC must...Section 354A:...in 31476 search-highlight-color8">their 31476 search-highlight-color2">workplace r...ghlighted 31476 search-highlight-color8">the respons...
Q4. The immunoglobulin that is found in highest concentration in our body ?
Ans4. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is the most common immunoglobulin in the human body, making up 70–75% of all immunoglobulins in serum
Q2. In mammals <99539 72368="search-highlight search-highlight-color8">the99539> fluid present around <99539 72368="search-highlight search-highlight-color8">the99539> foetus is called ?
Ans2. <99539 72368="search-highlight search-highlight-color8">The99539> fluid that surrounds a fetus in mammals is called amniotic fluid
Rs 378 crore ::
According to a report by Indiatimes, the expected budget of Aditya L1 is Rs 378 crore. However, the total cost of this solar mission has not been released officially by ISRO yet.
Aditya363">-L1 is India39;s first dedicated scientific mission to study 368">the sun. Earlier, this mission was conceived as Aditya363">-1 with a 400 kg class satellite carrying one payload, 368">the Visible Emission Line Coronagraph VELC, and was planned to be launched in an 800 km low earth orbit.
Aditya34998 search-highlight-color3">-L1 Mission is India39;s first so...mission planned by 34998 search-highlight-color8">the Indian Sp...on (ISRO). Earlier 34998 search-highlight-color8">the name was Aditya 34998 search-highlight-color3">-1, whic...n renamed as Aditya34998 search-highlight-color3">-L1 Mission. It is ISRO39;s second...xpedition to study 34998 search-highlight-color8">the Sun....
ISRO has shared <97313 class="53987 search-highlight-color8">the97313> first images of <97313 class="53987 search-highlight-color8">the97313> Aditya<97313 class="53987 search-highlight-color3">-97313>L1 satellite...atellite was developed at <97313 class="53987 search-highlight-color8">the97313> UR Rao Sa...ch has now arrived at SDSC<97313 class="53987 search-highlight-color3">-97313>SHAR, S...ya<97313 class="53987 search-highlight-color3">-97313>L1 Mission: Aditya<97313 class="53987 search-highlight-color3">-97313>L1, <97313 class="53987 search-highlight-color8">the97313> first space<97313 class="53987 search-highlight-color3">-97313>...
<36280 26363="search-highlight search-highlight-color8">The36280> Aditya Mission that was conceptualised in 2008, was postponed numerous times due to budget crunch. Larsen & Toubro (L&T), known for its pivotal role in Chandrayaan, is also collaborating with ISRO on Aditya<36280 26363="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-36280>L1 and Gaganyaan missions.