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Results for "HOME WORK 3">- 02/11/2019 3">- Enviornmental Science 3">- NIOS 3">- 333 3">- DEGRADATION OF NATURAL ENVIRONMENT 3">- 3"



      NEET 2020 exam would be conducted on July 26, 2020 

      # .NEET 2020 HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal in his live webinar on May 5 has announced that NEET 2020 exam would be conducted on July 26, 2020 
      • MSIPATNA

        JEE Main 2020 examination would be conducted from July 18 to July 23, 2020

        #. JEE Main 2020 examination would be conducted from July 18 to July 23, 2020. The examination will be conducted on July 18, 20, 21, 22, and 23, 2020 at various centres across the country. 
        • MSIPATNA

          JEE Advanced 2020 to be conducted on August 23, 2020

          #. JEE Advanced 2020 to be conducted on August 23, 2020: HRD...r admission to IITs will be conducted on August 23, HRD mini...
          • MSIPATNA

            OUR DEAREST FRIENDS BOOKS 32734="search-highlight 733153">- ESSAY

            OUR DEAREST FRIENDS BOOKS <50932 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-32> ESSAY Books, <50932 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of32>ten calle...beautiful world <50932 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of32> make<50932 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-32>believe whe...kshops and many <50932 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of32> them are...sorts <50932 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of32> books <50932 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-32> reference...little library <50932 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of32> your own at <50932 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color1">home32> . Dur...could join a &#39;lending library&#39; in your...
            • MSIPATNA

              BAPU ( MAHATMA GANDHI ) <97384 57631="66063 search-highlight-color3">-384> ESSAY

              BAPU ( MAHATMA GANDHI ) Do you...eaning father, out <20463 class="38715 search-highlight-color10">of3> love and...own as the father <20463 class="38715 search-highlight-color10">of3> our natio..., He was not fond <20463 class="38715 search-highlight-color10">of3> studies,...ople treated the &#39;blacks&#39;. He mad...back to India. He <20463 class="38715 search-highlight-color2">work3>ed towa...the true meaning <20463 class="38715 search-highlight-color10">of3> &#39;Ahi...
              • MSIPATNA

                THE RAILWAY PORTER <81230 51935="32586 search-highlight-color3">-30> ESSAY

                THE RAILWAY PORTER 3283 search-highlight-color3">- ESSAY Visit a railway station, an...for a porter to carry, he uses a hand3283 search-highlight-color3">-cart to carry them. The porter 3283 search-highlight-color2">works v...y their luggage. Sometimes, in spite 3283 search-highlight-color10">of w...
                • MSIPATNA

                  JEE MAIN 3013">- Coaching In Patna | AIEEE | JEE MAIN Coaching 3013">- MSI Patna

                  Notice : Admissio...IN Coaching in MSI <74836 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-36> Patna :& Now JEE MAIN <74836 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-36> Coaching the primary aim <74836 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of36> setting a...nceptual knowledge <74836 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of36> Math, Phy...arn this branch <74836 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of36> <74836 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color6">science36>...ulak From MSI <74836 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-36> Patna&nbs...o complete courses o...
                  • MSIPATNA

                    NEET 32323="46838 search-highlight-color3">- Coaching In Patna | AIPMT | NEET Coaching 32323="46838 search-highlight-color3">- MSI Patna

                    Notice : Admissio...ET Coaching in MSI <96843 35593="13563 search-highlight-color3">-3> Patna :&n...;Apply Now NEET <96843 35593="13563 search-highlight-color3">-3> Coaching the primary aim <96843 35593="13563 search-highlight-color10">of3> setting a...nceptual knowledge <96843 35593="13563 search-highlight-color10">of3> Math, Phy...arn this branch <96843 35593="13563 search-highlight-color10">of3> <96843 35593="13563 search-highlight-color6">science3>...ulak From MSI <96843 35593="13563 search-highlight-color3">-3> Patna&nbs...o complete courses o...




                    • MSIPATNA

                      Elementary Idea 32448 2378510">of Groundwater Flow

                      ...movement 3="13092 2003310">of water spaces 3="13092 2003310">of soil and...he Earth&#39;s surface...mbination 3="13092 2003310">of pressure...ercentage 3="13092 2003310">of void weight 3="13092 2003310">of water....Darcy&#39;s Law pro...lta;hLQ = 3="13092 2003="13092 200338">333">-kA \frac{\D...AAA: Cross3="13092 2003="13092 200338">333">-sectional area perpe...sumptions 3="13092 2003310">of Darcy&#3...lta;hLQ = 3="13092 2003="13092 200338">333">-kA \frac{\...(10−3)(100)(0.0...ology and 3="13092 2003312">environment...
                      • MSIPATNA

                        Groundwater Resources <74743 class="34160 search-highlight-color10">of3> Bihar

                        Groundwater Resources 3914="45013 search-highlight-color10">of B...ertile Indo3914="45013 search-highlight-color3">-Gangetic p...e from over3914="45013 search-highlight-color3">-extraction,...y Features 3914="45013 search-highlight-color10">of Groundwat...area: 94,163 sq. depths 3914="45013 search-highlight-color10">of 5–5...zation): ~13–15 B...ation as % 3914="45013 search-highlight-color10">of Avai...Over3914="45013 search-highlight-color3">-Exploitati...due to over3914="45013 search-highlight-color3">-extraction...Promote ro3914="45013 search-highlight-color10">oftop rainw...Bihar&#39;s ground...
                        • MSIPATNA

                          Geological Considerations in the Construction <14300 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of300> Dams and Tunnels

                          Geological Consi...onstruction 316="search-highlight 2683910">of...d stability 316="search-highlight 2683910">of dams and...Treatment 316="search-highlight 2683910">of fractured...orientation 316="search-highlight 2683910">of rock laye...d. Reservoir316="search-highlight 268393">-Induced Sei...ons with pre316="search-highlight 268393">-existing fa...the Earth&#39;s crust,...geological environ...and nature 316="search-highlight 2683910">of folds can impact t...In high316="search-highlight 268393">-stress 316="search-highlight 2683912">environment...
                          • MSIPATNA

                            Water Table & The Piezometric Surface

                            The water table and the piezometric...aves within the Earth&#39;s subsurface. Here&#39;s a breakdown <50372 class="search-highlight 3100010">of372> each...e is the upper surface <50372 class="search-highlight 3100010">of372> the zone...(below). The level <50372 class="search-highlight 3100010">of372> the wate...Influence <50372 class="search-highlight 3100010">of372> Pumping...
                            • MSIPATNA

                              Principles <96333 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of333> Engineering Geology

                              The Principles <44932 36190="25354 search-highlight-color10">of32> Engineering...e foundation <44932 36190="25354 search-highlight-color10">of32> understan...e geological <44932 36190="25354 search-highlight-color12">environment32>....Types <44932 36190="25354 search-highlight-color10">of32> Rocks: the role <44932 36190="25354 search-highlight-color10">of32> mineral c...neling. 3. Rock and...subsurface pr<44932 36190="25354 search-highlight-color10">of32>iles....Methods: Non<44932 36190="25354 search-highlight-color3">-32>invasive techniques...sis. 7. <44932 36190="25354 search-highlight-color12">Environment32>al and Geo...tical in long<44932 36190="25354 search-highlight-color3">-32>term plann...
                              • MSIPATNA

                                Vertical Distribution of Subsurface Water

                                Vertical Distribution 31="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of Subsurface Wat...ath the Earth&#39;s surface...on the degree 31="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of water sat...s are the zone 31="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of aeration...ath the Earth&#39;s su...ients. Sub31="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-divisions:...2. Zone 31="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of Saturati...Zone 31="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of Aeration...oles in Earth&#39;s water...
                                • MSIPATNA

                                  Origin and Types 369710">of Groundwater 36973">- Hydrogeology

                                  Origin and Types <90357 83349="33779 3268210">of357> Groundwat...the Earth&#39;s surface...ajor types <90357 83349="33779 3268210">of357> groundwat...the Earth&#39;s interio...been part <90357 83349="33779 3268210">of357> the Earth...ies or deep<90357 83349="33779 326823">-357>seated geol...gma or deep<90357 83349="33779 326823">-357>seated...the pores <90357 83349="33779 3268210">of357> sediment...nt. 3. Meteoric...rated zone <90357 83349="33779 3268210">of357> the, mineral<90357 83349="33779 326823">-357>rich, not...the Earth&#39;s hydrol...
                                  • MSIPATNA


                                    Permeability Pe...he measure 3220="63637 search-highlight-color10">of a...material&#39;...ust be well3220="63637 search-highlight-color3">-connected....alignment 3220="63637 search-highlight-color10">of flow path...y than fine3220="63637 search-highlight-color3">-grained mat...herwise low3220="63637 search-highlight-color3">-permeabilit...Presence 3220="63637 search-highlight-color10">of Impermeab...(10−310^{3220="63637 search-highlight-color3">-3...o 10−310^{3220="63637 search-highlight-color3">-3}10−3 m/...AAA = Cross3220="63637 search-highlight-color3">-sectional...L = Length 3220="63637 search-highlight-color10">of flow pat...ervoirs. 3220="63637 search-highlight-color12">Environment...
                                    • MSIPATNA


                                      Porosity is the measure <17253 61934="search-highlight 2976310">of3> the void a percentage <17253 61934="search-highlight 2976310">of3> the total...nes the capacity <17253 61934="search-highlight 2976310">of3> the mater...during the rock&#39;s formati...ins (e.g., sand) <17253 61934="search-highlight 2976310">of3>ten Well<17253 61934="search-highlight 297633">-3>sorted mat...eology, and soil <17253 61934="search-highlight 297636">science3>, as...erns a material&#39;s abilit...
                                      • MSIPATNA

                                        JEE Main Friction Previous Year Questions with Solutions

                                        JEE Main Fric...peddling <35746 24392="28351 search-highlight-color10">of35746> a bicycl...the force <35746 24392="28351 search-highlight-color10">of35746> friction...: A block <35746 24392="28351 search-highlight-color10">of35746> mass 0.1...0.49N Q3: A horizon...tal force <35746 24392="28351 search-highlight-color10">of35746> 10 N is n...e block is<35746 24392="28351 search-highlight-color3">-35746> (a) 20...(b) 0.03 (c) 0.0...: A block <35746 24392="28351 search-highlight-color10">of35746> mass...Statement<35746 24392="28351 search-highlight-color3">-35746>2: The coe...angle <35746 24392="28351 search-highlight-color10">of35746> 300 wi...) μs= 1<35746 24392="28351 search-highlight-color3">-35746> 1/n2 Q...efficient <35746 24392="28351 search-highlight-color10">of35746> friction...(a) 27.3 kg (b)...

