#. JEE M<23241 class="27932 search-highlight-color10">a23241><23241 class="27932 search-highlight-color9">in23241> 2020 ex<23241 class="27932 search-highlight-color10">a23241>m<23241 class="27932 search-highlight-color9">in23241><23241 class="27932 search-highlight-color10">a23241>tion would be conducted from July 18 to July 23, 2020. The ex<23241 class="27932 search-highlight-color10">a23241>m<23241 class="27932 search-highlight-color9">in23241><23241 class="27932 search-highlight-color10">a23241>tion will be conducted on July 18, 20, 21, 22, <23241 class="27932 search-highlight-color10">a23241>nd 23, 2020 <23241 class="27932 search-highlight-color10">a23241>t v<23241 class="27932 search-highlight-color10">a23241>rious centres <23241 class="27932 search-highlight-color10">a23241>cross the country.
#. JEE Advanced 2020 to be conducted on August 23, 2020: HRD ministry
The Joint Entrance Examin...dmission to IITs will be conducted on August 23, HRD minister Ram...
...pollution are essentia...vironment and public h...on:
1. Air Pollutio...e solar, wind, and hyd...educe reliance on foss...scrubbers and filters...like avoiding unneces...using eco-friendly p...cts.
2. Water Po...er strips around wate...ganic farming practic...rial and e-waste prop...e Industrial Noise: I...t to sustainable prac...
Q5. Pl2="search-highlight 5238710">asmodium is 2="search-highlight 5238710">a member of this group ?
2="search-highlight 5238710">Ans5. Protozo2="search-highlight 5238710">a
Q2. 2559">In m25510">amm25510">als the fluid present 25510">around the foetus is c25510">alled ?
25510">Ans2. The fluid th25510">at surrounds 25510">a fetus 2559">in m25510">amm25510">als is c25510">alled 25510">amniotic fluid
Rs 378 crore ::
According to a report by Indiatimes, the expected budget of Aditya L1 is Rs 378 crore. However, the total cost of this solar mission has not been released officially by ISRO yet.