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Results for "Bihar Board of Open Schooling and Examination (BBOSE) - Board Preparation 2023 - 2024"






      Elementary Idea of Groundwater Flow

      Elementary Idea of G...movement of spaces of soil and rock bene...mbination of pressure and elevation...can store and transmit...ercentage of void weight of wate...direction and rate of...lta;hLQ = -kA \frac{\...AAA: Cross-sectional...sumptions of Darcy&#3...mogeneous and...lta;hLQ = -kA...
      • MSIPATNA

        Groundwater Resources of Bihar

        Groundwater Resources of Bihar Bihar, a sta...rtile Indo-Gangetic pl...from over-extraction,...Features of Groundwater in Bihar G...North Bihar Plains:...a, Kosi, Gandak, and depths of 5–...rrigation and urb...tion as % of Availabi...ube wells and hand North Bihar suffe...
        • MSIPATNA

          Geological Considerations in the Construction of Dams and Tunnels

          Geological Consider...struction of Dams and Tunnels...e success and stability of dams and t...pressure and ensure lo...Strength and Stability...Treatment of fractured...stability and should...ientation of rock...Reservoir-Induced Se...s with pre-existing f...ust withstand excavat...nd nature of folds ca...In high-str...
          • MSIPATNA

            Water Table & The Piezometric Surface

            The water table and the piezometric...ribe groundwater and how it be...39;s a breakdown of each term:...he upper surface of the zone...where the pores and fra...w). The level o..., precipitation, and human a...Designing and...Influence of P...
            • MSIPATNA

              Principles of Engineering Geology

              The Principles of of understanding how ge...designing, and construct...1. Understanding Earth...Types of Rocks: the role of mine...lts, Folds, and Joints:...rmeability, and water t...ubsurface profiles. G...Methods: Non-inv...ical in long-ter...
              • MSIPATNA

                Vertical Distribution of Subsurface Water

                Vertical Distribution of Subsurface Wa...n the degree of water saturation and its inter...on with soil and rock. The...are the zone of aeration a...39;s surface and above t...nts. Sub-divisi...l water zone and capilla...2. Zone of Saturati...Zone of A...r ecological and...
                • MSIPATNA

                  Origin and Types of Groundwater - Hydrogeology

                  Origin and Types of Groundwater...fractures, and rock sources and is classi...ajor types of groundwate...ric water, and vadose wa...been part of the Eart...ies or deep-seated...gma or deep-seated roc...the pores of sediment...ter bodies and is, lakes, and melting...rated zone of, mineral-ric...
                  • MSIPATNA


                    Permeability Per...e measure of a material...or soil, and is be well-connected....viscosity and density....alignment of flow pat...than fine-graine...Fractures and Cracks:...erwise low-permeabili...Presence of Impermea...). Silt and Clay: V...tures are open (10&mi...AA = Cross-sec...= Length of f...
                    • MSIPATNA


                      Porosity is the measure of the void a percentage of the total...of the material and determines the capacity of the mate...terials (e.g., sands) a...mple: Fractures and joints...ns (e.g., sand) often Well-sor...g down minerals and...
                      • MSIPATNA

                        JEE Main Friction Previous Year Questions with Solutions

                        JEE Main Frict...peddling of a bicy...the force of friction e...ont wheel and in the fo...ont wheel and in the ba...: A block of mass 0.1 k...the block and the wall...tal force of 10 N is...e block is- (a...ced on it and is conn...: A block of mass m s...Statement-2: The coe...the block and the pla...) μs= 1- 1/...efficient of f...

