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Results for "Photons and X-rays"


  • NCERT Class 11 Chemistry Notes: The S-Block Elements

    NCERT Class 11 Chemistry Notes: The S-Block Elements

    ...two groups (1 and 2) belong to...their oxides and hydroxide...ber of shells and contracti... Melting and boiling p...Alkali metals and their sal...metal cations and ammoniate...absorption of photons occur...;Atomic radii and ionic rad...and opaque to X-rays is used u...
  • NCERT Class 12 Physics Notes : Electrons, Photons and X-rays

    NCERT Class 12 Physics Notes : Electrons, Photons and X-rays

    ...ric field and magnetic fiel...physical and chemical chan...y produce X-rays. (viii)...orescence and phosphore...magnetic and electric...Photon Photons are t...adiation. Photons are e...frequency and threshold...e. X-rays Whe...ic number and high melting...of X-ray photons depends...f emitted X-rays is given...

    Tags: Photons and X-rays