1. Pure Substance & m...PURE SUBSTA...• Pure substance consists of a...re
Q.1 Is air aroundus a compou...ompound. Justify.
Q.3 9="search-highlight search-highlight-color2">Classify the.....
Q.2 9="search-highlight search-highlight-color2">Classify the fol...p;
Q.1 9="search-highlight search-highlight-color2">Classify the f...f urea in 95 g of water....nstead of pure metals?...Questions:
1. What i...ns:
1. 9="search-highlight search-highlight-color2">Classify the f...
...ncepts of Chemistry9504="search-highlight search-highlight-color2">Class 11 Notes Chapter 1 - 9504="search-highlight search-highlight-color1">NCERT, NIOS, CB...rtance of Chemistry
(i) It has provi...e due to discovery of sulpha...hymidine) isused for AIDS vi...henol are used to kill the mi...ies space is called matter.
1. Pure Substan...chemical 9504="search-highlight search-highlight-color2">classification of matter. A fl...