1. Pure Substance & m...PURE SUBSTA...• Pure substance consists of a...re
Q.1 Is air aroundus a compou...ompound. Justify.
Q.3 982">Classify the.....
Q.2 982">Classify the fol...p;
Q.1 982">Classify the f...f urea in 95 g of water....nstead of pure metals?...Questions:
1. What i...ns:
1. 982">Classify the f...
...ncepts of ChemistryClass 11 Notes Chapter 1 - NCERT, NIOS, CB...rtance of Chemistry
(i) It has provi...e due to discovery of sulpha...hymidine) isused for AIDS vi...henol are used to kill the mi...ies space is called matter.
1. Pure Substan...chemical classification of matter. A fl...