Contribution to theAtomic theory Time...he named the smallest piece of matter “ATOMOS ,” mea...n’s Atomic theory:
• Fir...Q.1 Why atoms of isoto...ining thestructureof a...STIONS ON CHEMISTRY PRAC...solution :...the basis of:
i. appear...tions and 96 search-highlight-color2">classify them...
...808) that atom is the smalles...particle of matter. Atomic radii are ofthe order of 10-8cm....
Some ofthe charact...1.6 * 10-19) C).
The mass of proton is...’s U<90314 20369="search-highlight 798061">ncert90314>ainty Pri...branch ofchemistry whic...ich gives the amplitude...o;I’:? is always p...ron in an atom is identi...Electrons of (/1 + 1) sh...
It is the branch of science...eals with the composition, structure...roperties of matter. called the father, are other branches of chemistr...It is the simplest form kind ofatoms. The n...element. The present...umber (2.69x 1019).
&...s mixture of several iso...