Having a credit card gives you the luxury of spending out of your pockets. Credit cards allow you to borrow money from a bank and make necessary purchases for the time being. All you need to do is plan your finances well so that you can repay the...
The three types of credit cards are general-consumer credit cards, student credit cards, and business
credit cards. Each type of card is geared toward a specific group of people, but they all generally
provide the opportunity to build credit, earn...
The types of credit cards are categorised as per their used
cases. Four types of credit cards include travel credit cards, business credit cards, reward credit
cards, and shopping credit cards among others.
A credit card is a thin rectangular piece of plastic or metal issued by a bank
or financial services company that allows cardholders to borrow funds with which to pay for goods
and services with merchants that accept cards for payment.
When you swipe a Credit Card, the bank makes the payment to the merchants/retailers on your
behalf. Unlike a debit card, it does not debit money from your account immediately. Instead, it
sends you an itemised bill for your Credit Card expenses,...
A Credit Card is a financial instrument or facility provided by banks. It comes with a predetermined
credit limit. You can utilise this credit limit to make cashless offline and online payments for
products and services using your Credit Cards.