Posted On : 29-August-2023 : 10:58AM Physiographic Divisions & Features of India - Geography & Geology.Physiographic Divisions & Features of IndiaIndia is divided into six physiographic divisions on basis of the varied physiographic features: units as follows: Northern and North-eastern Mountain; Northern Plain; Peninsular Plateau; Indian Desert; Coastal Plains; and Islands. #.Location of India :
#1. The Indian mainland extends between 8°4′ North and 37°6′ North latitudes and from 68°7′ East and 97°25′ East longitudes. Thus, the latitudinal and the North-south extent is 3214 km and East-west extent is 2933 km. India accounts 2.42% of the total world land area. #2. India lies entirely in the northern hemisphere, and eastern hemisphere. The Tropic of Cancer (23°30′ North) passes through the centre of the country. It divides the country into almost two equal parts Northward of this latitude is North India and South of it is known as south India. Similarly 82°30′ East longitude passes almost from the middle of the country. It is known as Standard Meridian of India.
#3. Latitude: Latitude is the angular distance, north or south from the equator, of a point on the earth’s surface. #4. Longitude: Longitude is an angular distance on the earth’s surface, measured east or west from the prime meridian at Greenwich. #5. Angular distance : The angular distance between the points from the centres is called angular distance. #6. Now determine the relative location of India and then record it in the space given below: Remember relative location is given in relationship to other places (north of, south of, northeast of, next to, across from).India is part of Asian continent. India is surrounded by water from three sides. Arabian sea in west, Bay of Bengal in the east and Indian ocean in the south. Towards its north west is Pakistan and Afghanistan. China, Bhutan, Tibet and Nepal lies to its north. Bangladesh and Myanmar lies to its east. Srilanka and Maldives are located in the Indian Ocean towards its south. The southern most point of the country is Indira Point (Nicobar Islands) which lies on 6°4′ N latitudes and Kannya Kumari is southern most point of Indian mainland which lies on 8°4′ N latitudes. #7. The 82°30′E longitude passes through Mirzapur (in Uttar Pradesh). This is the Standard Meridian of the country. The 82°30′ East has been selected as standard Merdian because there is a time lag of almost two hours between Gujarat and Arunanchal Pradesh. Therefore, a Central Meridian is selected to determine the time for the whole country #.Locational Significance of India :#1. India is the largest country in terms of area and population in South-Asia. It is surrounded by ocean. India is strategically located in Indian Ocean. It commands sea routes between Europe and Africa, SouthEast Asia, far East Asia and Oceania. It is because of this that India shares good trade relation between many countries since ancient times. India has a good location in terms of sea and also well connected by land. Various passes like Nathu-La (Sikkim), Shipki-La (Himachal Pradesh), Zoji-La and Burji la pass (Jammu & Kashmir) have their own importance. The main India-Tibet trade route that connects Kalimpong near Darjeeling with Lhasa in Tibet passes through Jelepa La. Several passes have provided a passage to many ancient travelers. These routes are not only important for trade but also to exchange ideas and culture.
#1. India is the seventh largest country in the world. It has land boundaries of 15,200km and 6100km long coast line. India’s landmass covers 3.28 million square kilometer of area. This accounts for nearly 2.42 percent of the total geographical area of the world. For good governance, India has been divided into 28 states and 7 union territories.
#2. This map clearly indicates that each state and union territory has its own capital. It is interesting to note that while New Delhi is the capital of India, Delhi is the capital of Union Territory Delhi. #.Physical Division of India :#1. India has the topographical diversity. This includes the Great Himalayas, the Northern Plain, the Thar desert, the coastal plains and the Peninsular Plateau. The reasons for variation in the topography could be:
#2. Weathering: Weathering is the process of gradual destruction of rocks at or near the earth’s surface through physical, chemical and biological processes caused by wind water, climate change etc. #3. Erosion: Erosion is the process of gradual transportation of weathered rock materials through natural agencies like wind, river, streams, glaciers etc. #4. Note 1: Weathering is distinguished from Erosion as no transportation of material is involved in case of weathering. #5. India is a country of physical diversity. There are high mountain peaks in some areas while in others, lie the flat plains formed by rivers. On the basis of physical features, India can be divided into following six divisions:
2. The Northern Plains 3. The Peninsular Plateau 4. The Indian Desert 5. The Coastal Plains 6. The Islands. 1. The Northern Mountain : It is divided into three groups. They are : (i) The Himalayas (ii) The Trans Himalayas (iii) The Puranchal hills #6.Note 2: Pass: It is a natural gap or a route between a ridge, hill. Note 3: Range: large landmass consisting of mountains, ridges and peaks. Note 4: Peak: highest point or tip of a mountain range. Note 5: Valley: a depression or a flat land between two elevated areas. Note 6: Dun: Longitudinal valleys existing beween himachal and shiwaliks.
#7. 1. The Himalayan Mountains : #8. 2. The Northern Plains : #9. 3. The Peninsular Plateau :
It extends from Narmada river and the northern plains. A ravallis is the important mountain which extends from Gujrat through Rajasthan to Delhi. The highest peak of the Aravallis hills is Gurushikhar (1722m) near Mt. Abu. The Malwa Plateau and Chhota Nagpur plateau are parts of the central highlands. River Betwa, chambal and Ken are the important river of Malwa plateau while Mahadeo, Kaimur and Maikal are the important hills of chhota Nagpur plateau. The valley of Narmada is lies between the Vindhyas and the satpura which flows east to west and joins the Arabian sea. (ii) The Deccan Plateau: The Deccan plateau is separated by a fault (A fracture in the rock along which rocks have been relatively replaced), from Chota Nagpur plateau. The black soil area in the Deccan plateau is known as Deccan trap. It is formed due to volcanic eruptions. This soil is good for cotton & sugarcane cultivation. The Deccan plateau is broadly divided into: (a) The Western Ghats (b) The Eastern Ghats (a) The Western Ghats: The Western Ghats or Sahyadris lie on the Western edge of the Deccan plateau. It runs parallel to the western coast for about 1600 km. The average elevation of the Western Ghats is 1000 metres. The famous peaks in this area are Doda Betta, Anaimudi amd Makurti. The highest peak in this region is Anaimudi (2695m.). Western ghats are continuous and can be crossed through passes like Pal Ghat, Thal Ghot and Bhor Ghat. The rivers like Godavari, Bhima and Krishna flow eastward while the river Tapti flows westward. The streams form rapids & water falls before entering the Arabian Sea. The famous water falls are Jogfalls on Sharavati, Shiva Samudram falls on Kaveri etc. (b) The Eastern Ghats: The Eastern Ghats are discontinuous low belt. Their average elevation is 600 m. They run parallel to the east coast from south of Mahanadi valley to the Nilgiri hills. The highest peak in this region is Mahendragiri (1501 m). The famous hills are Mahendragiri hills, Nimaigiri hills in Orissa, Nallamallai hills in Southern Andhra Pradesh, Kollimalai and Pachaimalai in Tamilnadu. The area is drained by the Mahanadi, Godawari, Krishna and Kaveri river systems. The Nilgiri hills join Western & Eastern Ghats in the south. #10. 4. The Indian Desert :
I am Thar ‘The Indian Desert’: 1. I remain dry most of the year. The moisture bearing winds goes parallel to Aravalli so I receive scanty rainfall. 2. I am pierced by cactus and other thorny bushes on my body. 3. If you are thirsty, you will have to walk several kilometers to reach an oasis and sinduates (small water body). #11. 5. The Coastal Plains : #12. 6. The Islands : Tags : Physiographic Divisions and Features of Indian Geology, Physiographic Divisions and Features of Indian Geography, Physiographic Divisions of India, Physical Divisions of India, Physiographic Features of India, Geography of India, Geology of India, Physiographic Divisions of Himalayas, Physiographic Regions of India, Physiographic Divisions of Indian Geology, Physiographic Divisions of Indian Geography. |
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