...1. Atoms, Molecules and Chemical Arit...-2
3. Periodic Table and Periodici...the Reaction between Iodide Ions and Hydrogen...WS-25
26. Alcohols, PhenolsandEthers &nbs...
...apter 2 Relations and Functions - U...5 Complex Numbers and Quadratic...apter 9 Sequences and Series
0...pter 5 Continuity and Different...Electric Charges and Fields
1...ter 11: Alcohols, Phenols, andEthers
17/Fe...es of Inheritance and Variation
Projectile Motion and Circular Moti...s of Motion
Work, Power and Energy...ent Electricity
Heating and Chemical...Chemistry
Purification and Character...nd Haloarenes
Alcohols, PhenolsandEthers