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Results for "43121">HOME 43122">WORK 43123">- 43124">03/11/2019 43123">- 43125">Enviornmental 43126">Science 43123">- 43127">NIOS 43123">- 43128">333 43123">- 43129">PRINCIPLES 431210">OF 431211">ECOLOGY 43123">- 4"



      NEET 2020 exam would be conducted on July 26, 2020 

      # .NEET 2020 HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal in his live webinar on May 5 has announced that NEET 2020 exam would be conducted on July 26, 2020 
      • MSIPATNA

        JEE Main 2020 examination would be conducted from July 18 to July 23, 2020

        #. JEE Main 2020 examination would be conducted from July 18 to July 23, 2020. The examination will be conducted on July 18, 20, 21, 22, and 23, 2020 at various centres across the country. 
        • MSIPATNA

          JEE Advanced 2020 to be conducted on August 23, 2020

          #. JEE Advanced 2020 to be conducted on August 23, 2020: HRD ministry The Joint Entrance Examination (Advanced) for admission to IITs will be conducted on...
          • MSIPATNA


            OUR DEAREST FRIENDS BOOKS - ESSAY Books, often a beautiful world of make-believe whe...n bookshops and many of them are...d all sorts of books - reference...ave a little library of your own at h...
            • MSIPATNA

              BAPU ( MAHATMA GANDHI ) 458="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">- ESSAY

              BAPU ( MAHATMA GANDHI ) Do you know...apu, meaning father, out 42743 search-highlight-color10">of love and...was known as the father 42743 search-highlight-color10">of our natio...le boy, He was not fond 42743 search-highlight-color10">of studies,...u came back to India. He 42743 search-highlight-color2">worked...ght us the true meaning o...
              • MSIPATNA

                THE RAILWAY PORTER 463">- ESSAY

                THE RAILWAY PORTER 4319="search-highlight 755433">- ESSAY Visit a railway sta...for a porter to carry, he uses a hand4319="search-highlight 755433">-cart to carry them. The porter 4319="search-highlight 755432">works very h...y their luggage. Sometimes, in spite 4319="search-highlight 7554310">of w...
                • MSIPATNA

                  JEE MAIN 47 334323">- Coaching In Patna | AIEEE | JEE MAIN Coaching 47 334323">- MSI Patna

                  Notice : Admission Open For...Coaching in MSI 44="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">- Pa...Now JEE MAIN 44="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">- C...the primary aim 44="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of setting...ptual knowledge 44="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of Math, Phy...this branch 44="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of 44="search-highlight search-highlight-color6">science with...k From MSI 44="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">- Patna&nbsp...) takes around 1444="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-15 mo...omplete courses 44="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of 11th and...
                  • MSIPATNA

                    NEET <59403 54762="search-highlight 841963">-403> Coaching In Patna | AIPMT | NEET Coaching <59403 54762="search-highlight 841963">-403> MSI Patna

                    Notice : Admission Open For...Coaching in MSI <14119 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-4119> Pa...ply Now NEET <14119 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-4119> C...the primary aim <14119 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of4119> setting...ptual knowledge <14119 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of4119> Math, Phy...this branch <14119 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of4119> <14119 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color6">science4119> with...k From MSI <14119 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-4119> Patna&nbsp...) takes around 14<14119 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-4119>15 mo...omplete courses <14119 class="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of4119> 11th and...




                    • MSIPATNA

                      Geological Considerations in the Construction 41="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of Dams and Tunnels

                      Geological Considera...the Construction 466="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of Dams and stability 466="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of dams and...age. Treatment 466="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of fractured...The orientation 466="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of rock laye...d. Reservoir466="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-Induced Sei...regions with pre466="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-existing fa...ation and nature 466="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of In high466="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-...
                      • MSIPATNA

                        Water Table & The Piezometric Surface

                        The water table and the piezometric surfac...rface. Here's a breakdown 4843="74821 search-highlight-color10">of each table is the upper surface 4843="74821 search-highlight-color10">of the zone...ed zone (below). The level 4843="74821 search-highlight-color10">of the...surface Influence o...
                        • MSIPATNA

                          <74095 38254="search-highlight 539489">Principles4095> <74095 38254="search-highlight 5394810">of4095> Engineering Geology

                          The 496="search-highlight 340019">Principles 496="search-highlight 3400110">of 496="search-highlight 3400110">of understanding how...ces. These 496="search-highlight 340019">principles guide the key 496="search-highlight 340019">principles: 1. Un...Types 496="search-highlight 3400110">of Rocks: Cl...g the role 496="search-highlight 3400110">of mineral c...ions. 4. Geologica...bsurface pr496="search-highlight 3400110">ofiles. Ge...ethods: Non496="search-highlight 340013">-invasive in long496="search-highlight 340013">-term p...ting these 496="search-highlight 340019">principles,...
                          • MSIPATNA

                            Vertical Distribution of Subsurface Water

                            Vertical Distribution of Subsurface Water Sub...nes based on the degree of water sat...hese zones are the zone of aeration...and nutrients. Sub-divisions:...action. 2. Zone of Satu...Zone o...
                            • MSIPATNA

                              Origin and Types <93441 class="30463 5747510">of441> Groundwater <93441 class="30463 574753">-441> Hydrogeology

                              Origin and Types 4="92274 search-highlight-color10">of Ground...The major types 4="92274 search-highlight-color10">of groundw...never been part 4="92274 search-highlight-color10">of the Earth...tivities or deep4="92274 search-highlight-color3">-seated magma or deep4="92274 search-highlight-color3">-seated rock...ed in the pores 4="92274 search-highlight-color10">of snow. 4. Vadose Wa...nsaturated zone 4="92274 search-highlight-color10">of the...Rare, mineral4="92274 search-highlight-color3">-rich, not...
                              • MSIPATNA


                                Permeability the measure <61043 class="43825 search-highlight-color10">of43> must be well<61043 class="43825 search-highlight-color3">-43>co...and alignment <61043 class="43825 search-highlight-color10">of43> flow pa...ility than fine<61043 class="43825 search-highlight-color3">-43>grained mat...n otherwise low<61043 class="43825 search-highlight-color3">-43>permeabilit...Presence <61043 class="43825 search-highlight-color10">of43> Impermeab...;7 to 10−410^{<61043 class="43825 search-highlight-color3">-43>4}10&mi...) AAA = Cross<61043 class="43825 search-highlight-color3">-43>sectional...lta;L = Length <61043 class="43825 search-highlight-color10">of43> flow pat...
                                • MSIPATNA


                                  Porosity is the measure of the void spaces (pores)...pressed as a percentage of the total...determines the capacity of the mater...ger grains (e.g., sand) often have h...Sorting: Well-sorted...oleum geology, and soil s...
                                  • MSIPATNA

                                    JEE Main Friction Previous Year Questions with Solutions

                                    JEE Main Fricti...g peddling <34571 49666="43099 4183710">of4571>...the force <34571 49666="43099 4183710">of4571> frictio...2: A block <34571 49666="43099 4183710">of4571> mass 0.1...98N (c) 4.9N (d) 0.49N Q3: A...ntal force <34571 49666="43099 4183710">of4571> 10 N is n...he block is<34571 49666="43099 418373">-4571> (a) 20...1: A block <34571 49666="43099 4183710">of4571> mass m st...Statement<34571 49666="43099 418373">-4571>2: The...2.0 (b) 4.0 (c)...d) μs= 1<34571 49666="43099 418373">-4571> 1/n2 Q...oefficient <34571 49666="43099 4183710">of4571> friction...) ⅔ m Q14: Given in...
                                    • MSIPATNA

                                      Laws in India for Sexual Harassment at 417="38421 947622">Workplace

                                      Laws in India for Sex...ssment at <34796 34000="48032 354042">Work4796>place...egal frame<34796 34000="48032 354042">work4796> to add...arassment <34796 34000="48032 3540410">of4796> Women at <34796 34000="48032 354042">Work4796>place (Pr...ct, 2013, <34796 34000="48032 3540410">of4796>ten r...arassment <34796 34000="48032 3540410">of4796>, or non<34796 34000="48032 354043">-4796>verbal co...overs all <34796 34000="48032 354042">work4796>places, months <34796 34000="48032 3540410">of4796> the incid...ty for Non<34796 34000="48032 354043">-4796>Compliance...Section 354A:...Section 354: C...v. State <34796 34000="48032 3540410">of4796> Rajastha...ive or non<34796 34000="48032 354043">-4796>functional...
                                      • MSIPATNA

                                        Report on Discrimination Against Females

                                        Report on Discrimination Ag...rious aspects <79949 42000="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of49> life...s. Forms <79949 42000="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of49> D...s. Wor...for the same <79949 42000="search-highlight search-highlight-color2">work49> as me...p roles and pr<79949 42000="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of49>essional a...d outside the <79949 42000="search-highlight search-highlight-color1">home49>. Pra...epresentation <79949 42000="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of49> women in...tical decision<79949 42000="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-49>making role...Reduced <79949 42000="search-highlight search-highlight-color2">work49>for...dence and self<79949 42000="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-49>...

