#. JEE Main 2020 examination would be conducted from July 18 to July 23, 2020. <35612 93890="search-highlight search-highlight-color11">The35612> examination will be conducted on July 18, 20, 21, 22, and 23, 2020 at various centres across <35612 93890="search-highlight search-highlight-color11">the35612> country.
#. JEE Advanced 2020 to be conducted on August 23, 2020: HRD ministry
380="31414 6231811">The J...will be conducted on August 23, HRD mini...eduled to be held on May 17, 380="31414 6231811">the exam wa...
OUR DEAREST FRIENDS BOOKS 33287="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">- E...AY
Books, 33287="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">often c...utiful world 33287="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of make33287="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-believe whe...castles, do 33287="search-highlight search-highlight-color11">the most ama...ops and many 33287="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of 33287="search-highlight search-highlight-color11">them are bor...rts 33287="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of books 33287="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">- reference b...pleasing to 33287="search-highlight search-highlight-color11">the eyes and...ttle library 33287="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of your own at 33287="search-highlight search-highlight-color1">home...uld join a 39;lending library39; in your...
BAPU ( MAHATMA GANDHI...He was none o35031 8723711">ther than Ma...pu, meaning fa35031 8723711">ther, out 35031 8723710">of love and...s 35031 8723711">the fa35031 8723711">ther
35031 8723710">of our natio...was not fond 35031 8723710">of studies, b...ind how badly 35031 8723711">the white peo...treated 35031 8723711">the 39;blacks39;. He made...to India. He 35031 872372">worke...He taught us 35031 8723711">the true
meaning 35031 8723710">of 39;Ahi...
Visi...e to see a porter 30311">there. You c...ne platform to ano30311">the...a brass badge on 30311">their arms. T...ry, he uses a hand3033">-cart to carr...em.
30311">The porter 3032">works very ha...railway station, 30311">they feel luc...metimes, in spite 30310">of w...
Know About Aditya<28439 class="13273 search-highlight-color3">-28439>L1 mission : 02 September 2023 <28439 class="13273 search-highlight-color3">-28439> ISRO ::
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is <28439 class="13273 search-highlight-color11">the28439> space agency <28439 class="13273 search-highlight-color10">of28439> India.
...t beneath 3570611">the 3570612">Earth39;s 357069">surface in soil p...cation in 3570611">the sub357069">surface. 3570611">The...jor types 3570610">of groundwat...ctly from 3570611">the 3570612">Earth39;s interio...been part 3570610">of 3570611">the 3570612">Earth&...es or deep357063">-seated geolo...ma or deep357063">-seated rocks...rapped in 3570611">the pores 3570610">of sedimentar...found in 3570611">the unsaturated zone 3570610">of 3570611">the soil, ab...ates from 357069">surface water p...
...bicycle, 3="search-highlight search-highlight-color11">the force 3="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of friction exerted by 3="search-highlight search-highlight-color11">the ground on 3="search-highlight search-highlight-color11">the...el and in 3="search-highlight search-highlight-color11">the forward direc...tal force 3="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of 10 N is n...e block is3="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-
(a) 20...(b) 0.03
(c) 0.06...: A block 3="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of mass m sta...orizontal 3="search-highlight search-highlight-color9">surface with...k and 3="search-highlight search-highlight-color11">the 3="search-highlight search-highlight-color9">surface after...go up on 3="search-highlight search-highlight-color11">the 3="search-highlight search-highlight-color9">surface w...Statement3="search-highlight search-highlight-color3">-2: 3="search-highlight search-highlight-color11">The coeff...angle 3="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of 300 with...
Q4. <93748 36073="search-highlight search-highlight-color11">The93748> immunoglobulin that is found in highest concentration in our body ?
Ans4. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is <93748 36073="search-highlight search-highlight-color11">the93748> most common immunoglobulin in <93748 36073="search-highlight search-highlight-color11">the93748> human body, making up 70–75% <93748 36073="search-highlight search-highlight-color10">of93748> all immunoglobulins in serum
Q2. In mammals 3188="search-highlight search-highlight-color11">the fluid present around 3188="search-highlight search-highlight-color11">the foetus is called ?
Ans2. 3188="search-highlight search-highlight-color11">The fluid that surrounds a fetus in mammals is called amniotic fluid
Rs 378 crore ::
According to a report by Indiatimes, 346833183011">the expected budget 346833183010">of Aditya L1 is Rs 378 crore. However, 346833183011">the total cost 346833183010">of this solar mission has not been released 346833183010">officially by ISRO yet.
Aditya<36336 class="35200 search-highlight-color3">-36336>L1 is India39;s first dedicated scientific mission to study <36336 class="35200 search-highlight-color11">the36336> sun. Earlier, this mission was conceived as Aditya<36336 class="35200 search-highlight-color3">-36336>1 with a 400 kg class satellite carrying one payload, <36336 class="35200 search-highlight-color11">the36336> Visible Emission Line Coronagraph VELC, and was planned to be launched in an 800 km low <36336 class="35200 search-highlight-color12">earth36336> orbit.
Aditya3573="search-highlight 195363">-L1 Mission is India'...mission planned by 3573="search-highlight 1953611">the Indian Sp...ion (ISRO). Earlier 3573="search-highlight 1953611">the name was Aditya 3573="search-highlight 195363">-1, which has...en renamed as Aditya3573="search-highlight 195363">-L1 M...ission. It is ISRO39;s second...expedition to study 3573="search-highlight 1953611">the Sun....
ISRO has shared 3511">the first images 3510">of 3511">the Aditya353">-L1 satellite...ite was developed at 3511">the UR Rao Sa...s now arrived at SDSC353">-SHAR, Srihar...Mission: Aditya353">-L1, 3511">the first space353">-...
<65538 25132="17033 search-highlight-color11">The65538> Aditya Mission that was conceptualised in 2008, was postponed numerous times due to budget crunch. Larsen & Toubro (L&T), known for its pivotal role in Chandrayaan, is also collaborating with ISRO on Aditya<65538 25132="17033 search-highlight-color3">-65538>L1 and Gaganyaan missions.